There are many ways to give. Below are a few examples of how to give:
Birthday/Anniversary Greetings make a special day even more special. Add your name, for only $1 per greeting, to the birthday or anniversary card sent out to Pap members you select. The Q2 greetings period has closed, but we'll be opening Q3 (July, August, September) for you to send greetings shortly.
If you have any questions, contact Steina Walter. Click here to email her or phone 301-520-9943.
Contact Judy Meyer by completing this form.
South Florida’s Largest, Volunteer Cancer Fundraising Organization
With 20,000 members strong, The Pap Corps Champions for Cancer Research is South Florida’s largest grassroots fundraising organization. Together, we strive towards our collective vision— A World Without Cancer. All funds raised at our events benefit Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. There, physicians and scientists work on groundbreaking research programs to eradicate all forms of cancer.
Would you like to learn more about joining our Chapter? Or volunteer opportunities? Contact Us!
Contact Judy Meyer by completing this form.